• H1N1 or Swine Flu Virus

    The H1N1 or swine flu epidemic has many people concerned. It certainly holds the potential for severe, worldwide disease in humans. Currently, most cases in the U.S. have not been as serious as in other countries. Flu viruses commonly mutate though, and even a small mutation could increase the pathogenicity

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  • Hamsters

    Hamsters are cute and adorable. If you had one growing up, your parents probably took care of it. Taking care of them can be challenging; however, once you master the art, it becomes more manageable by the day. Here is how you can take care of your pet hamster. Bathing and Grooming Hamsters always stay

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  • Handling and Restraint

    Improper handling may cause serious, life-threatening injuries. Fractures and dislocations of the back, most often resulting in paralysis of both rear legs, are the most common injuries. These injuries occur when rabbits are suddenly frightened and attempt to escape from a small enclosure. A rabbit's

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  • Happy Cat Month

    How will you honor your cat during Happy Cat Month?

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  • Having a Positive Experience at the Dog Park

    Dog parks: they are great for socialization, exercise, and mental stimulation for many dogs. But certain dogs may feel threatened or anxious. Whether you and your dog have a good dog park experience or a bad one depends largely on your understanding of your dog, advanced preparation, proper training,

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  • Health Problems Common in Large Dogs

    Do you know what health problems your large dog could develop?

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  • Heart Disease in Cats

    Cats are wonderful pets. In fact, they outnumber dogs as pets in the United States. It is estimated that 60.2 to 62 Million cats are kept as pets; one-third of all households have at least one feline friend. It is important for cat owners to be aware of a stealthy disease that may affect as much as 15

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  • Heartworm

    Heartworm has been diagnosed in dogs in all parts of the world and is actually very common. This may be due to the fact that heartworm has a virtual 100% prevalence rate in unprotected dogs living in highly endemic areas. Heartworm, also known as Dirofilaria immitis, is transmitted by mosquitoes. The

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  • Hedgehogs

    Shy animals that roll into a ball when scared, hedgehogs are covered with spiky quills. They're small, clean, and fun to watch so they're quite popular as pets. Even so, these little guys need lots of activity to stay healthy. Health Hedgehogs can have health problems, including dental diseases, skin

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  • Helping Dogs with Low Vision or Blindness

    As veterinary medicine advances, dogs are living longer and longer. With advancing age, more geriatric diseases are becoming prevalent. Problems with vision, such as cataracts, glaucoma, and keratitis, are common. Many of these problems occur so gradually that some people don't know they have a blind

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  • Helping Your Pet Keep His Cool This Summer

    Hot dogs may be a popular summertime treat for baseball fans and backyard cookouts, but allowing our canine friends to overheat is a potential fatal disaster! Keeping our pets cool as the temperatures heat up doesn't have to be a challenge if you keep a few easy facts in mind. Dogs don't sweat

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  • Hi Tech Veterinary Medicine

    Advances in human medicine seem to occur on a daily basis as research and new technology bring new possibilities and hope of healing. And veterinary medicine and surgery continues to follow closely behind. Within the past twenty years, new technologies in diagnostics and surgical techniques have made

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  • Hidden Dangers of Over-the-Counter Medications

    There are many medications available over the counter (OTC) at pharmacies and grocery stores that we consider to be safe, their use to be routine. We don’t think twice about picking up medications to help with pain or flu symptoms. What many people don’t consider is that these same medications can

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  • High Blood Pressure in Dogs

    Most dog owners would admit a lack of knowledge or perhaps even a lack of concern about canine hypertension, or high blood pressure in dogs. After all, since they don't have the same vices as we do, they shouldn't be at risk, right? Well, the answer may be a little more complex than just life style choices. One

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  • Hip Dysplasia

    Hip dysplasia is a congenital disease that, in its more severe form, can eventually cause lameness and painful arthritis of the joints. It is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It can be found in many animals and, rarely, humans, but is common in many dog breeds, particularly

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  • Holiday Hazards for Pets

    The holidays are fun, even for pets, but the season brings added danger for animal companions. Learn to recognize and manage holiday hazards to keep your pet safe during the festivities. Tinsel Tinsel is attractive, especially to cats. Tinsel is not toxic but consuming tinsel can cause serious harm

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